1. This Was Hinsdale (Gold)


Mr. Tracy was superintending construction of a water works system for his ... farm in the Eastern part of Hinsdale” according to the Knurow Collection, “around 1848 and discovered traces of gold.”

“A wonderful discovery -- the entire Watkins Farm at Hinsdale is a gold mine.” -- June 4, 1896, The Pittsfield Sun newspaper.

“Hinsdale resident George Page began touting the presence of gold in that hill town early in 1899,” the newspaper later reported. “The mine manager was one W.G. Davis” also known as “Rattlesnake Bill” for his method of hunting rattlers.

Then a trout fisherman in Peru turned in a rock proclaimed to be from “a great vein of gold”. By 1900 folks were mining for gold in Adams, Williamstown, Lee and Pittsfield.

Mr. Page’s organizational skills and “Rattlesnake Bill’s” salesmanship were helped by “Professor” Stephen Sutphen of Glen Falls. He performed metal tests (”assays”) on samples and found it full of gold” the Sun reported.

After “initially failing to attract timid and doubtful local capital,” The Pittsfield Sun reported on September 15, 1898, but based on “Professor Sutphen’s declarations and positive assertions”, the newspaper said, the Alpha Mining Corporation was organized.

(To Be Continued Next Month)